Tuesday, December 29, 2009

my blog banner

I now have a blog banner, thanks to my good friend, Mendy. She is an incredible digital artist and second grade teacher with me. Check out her blog, http://mendytexas.blogspot.com/
It is incredible and she has lots of links to her digital artwork.

to hunt :)

Yes, Allison did enjoy hunting with her daddy. She even came home with a few hunting essentials: camo gloves and camo jumpsuit...thanks to Donnie and Jesse.
Yah!!! They didn't see any deer, but had a lot of fun.

Monday, December 28, 2009

to hunt or not to hunt

For Christmas Allison was given Cole's .22 that was his gun when he was a boy. He was soooo excited to give it to her because she has been asking to go hunting with Cole for a while now, so he thought it would be a great gift. They went to the empty field behind the house to 'sight' the gun the other day and she did really well. So, Cole set up for them to go 'hunting' today. BUT once she found out she would be the only girl going, the tears turned on and the howling began: "I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO BE THE ONLY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!" (Poor Cole! I could see he was heart-broken when she said it.) :(
Oh, and when she found out she is not able to kill a deer, so she was bummed about that, too.
But, we did make her go, so we will see what the outcome is!
It was quite funny to see Cole pack for a few hours of sitting in a dear stand...he had a bag full of snacks, drink boxes, blanket, ipod, camera, and ear protection for Allison. At least he is prepared for the unexpected girl requests. :)
Maybe Allison will take some good pictures of a few big bucks I can post soon!

Friday, December 25, 2009

On The Road Again

Remember the song "On The Road Again"?? Well it is in my head because of our whirl-wind day of traveling!!
I feel like I have been around the world and back! We left to celebrate Christmas with my dad's side of the family this morning at 8 a.m.!!! Poor Allison and Claire! They were able to play with all the goodies Santa left for about 10 minutes this morning. :( We were at our traditional Christmas brunch by 10 a.m., ate, got to see our family, open up more presents, and out the door by 2 p.m.
On the road again...not to go home, but to have Christmas with Cole's side of the family 2 HOURS away. We arrived at his sister's house at 4 p.m., opened more presents, ate, spent time with family, and out the door by 6:30 p.m. One hour later we arrived at HOME, just in time to put Claire to bed. She had had enough of the traveling! She was in a terrible mood (who could blame her...no nap and lots of activities). Allison stayed up to play with her new play horse with her daddy and was in bed by 8:15 p.m.
Don't get me wrong, we love seeing family and spending time with them, but today was a lot for 2 little girls! Who am I kidding, it was a lot for Mom and Dad, too!
We hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas Day!!!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gingerbread House

Well, Allison, Claire and I made our first gingerbread house today. It was almost a disaster when the roof broke, but I was able to put it back together with the super sticky icing! The girls were so proud of themselves and could not wait to show it to Grandma. Allison decided it is for Santa, so we hope he likes it Christmas Eve when he stops at our house to deliver gifts!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

lots of nothing

welcome to the very first blog post i have ever done! hopefully i will share lots of memorable moments of my family, thoughts and ideas and for sure, "lots of nothing"!
the name of my blog, lots of nothing...why the name?? well, it just came to me when i was trying to decide on THE NAME...a blog title needs to be something catchy and memorable, so let's see if mine is.
more "lots of nothing" to come!
